Paris Fashion Experience

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Fashion Week is Over… Now What? How to Prepare for Fashion Week

That’s a wrap on Paris Fashion Week. The show ran from September 27th to October 5th and was a rousing success, unsurprisingly. If you were fortunate enough to attend this year, you’re probably feeling the post-fashion blues. You likely spent days - months, even - preparing for the event. Brainstorming wardrobe changes, booking flights and hotels, triple-checking you have the correct dates.

As the time approached, your excitement was practically palpable. Then you were there, and it was everything you expected it to be - and more. You felt like you truly belonged. The fashion was incredible. The seats were studded with famous designers, celebrities, and journalists. The flashes emitted from the paparazzis’ cameras were blinding. At the risk of sounding like a total cliche, it was a dream come true. It was so surreal that it felt like you were waking from a dream once it was over. You probably checked your phone’s camera roll to remind yourself it actually happened. On the way home, reality began to set in, and you can feel that magical feeling gradually start to fade.

Before you let your mascara ruin your makeup, remember this: there will always be another Fashion Week, and all you have to do is experience it again. And, to distract you from your sorrows, how about we help our sisters and brothers in fashion and travel, who have yet to experience Fashion Week, prepare for this fantastic adventure. Here's a list of things to remember:

Mark your calendar.

You won’t have to wait too long to experience this glamorous event once again - or for our Fashion Week virgins, the Women’s Fall/Winter '22 Fashion Week starts around the 1st week of February until the 1st week of March. See calendar here.

Save up!

No one wants to hear it, but saving your hard-earned money is key. There are fashion shows open to the public for a fee. Typically, these are organized by fashion agencies that showcase up to five designers in one event.

However, suppose you’re feeling like treating yourself to a high fashion experience, you will want to see runway shows or presentations of brands that are under the official calendar of the Federation de la Haute Couture et de la Mode (Paris), Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana (Milan) and British Fashion Council (London). However, there’s a catch—you have to be accredited or invited to attend--and this is where the Belle Époque Fashion Week Experience comes into play.

Lastly, don’t forget to plan and budget for your accommodation, dining, or some beauty and wellness appointments. It's bustling during this season.

Plan your outfits.

When the time arrives, the last thing you want is to find yourself scrambling for something to wear. We recommend packing several outfits to choose from. Also, make sure to check the weather forecast and dress accordingly! Risking hypothermia to wear a mini skirt during the dead of winter maybe isn’t the wisest decision.

Connect with people.

Everything is more fun with someone to share it with, and Fashion Week is no exception. Find people on social media who also plan to attend and make arrangements to meet up. You can share these preparation tips with them and bond over your mutual love of fashion. Remember, this is a social event, so don’t be afraid to make new friends and create an even more memorable experience.

Let us be your guide.

If you can’t be bothered to deal with the logistics, we’re here to help. Belle Époque will design an itinerary catered to your interests and concerns, so all you have to do is bring your stylish self. Contact us here and allow us to create a personalized Fashion Week experience you will never forget. À bientôt !